Snake Plant Vastu: Benefits, Care, Direction & Propagate Snake Plant

Snake Plant Vastu

Imagine your home as a big puzzle, each piece holding a significant value and helping create a harmonious environment. Among these pieces are the snake plant Vastu, also known as Sansevieria, or mother-in-law’s tongue. According to the principles of the Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian guide to harmonising spaces for well-being, this plant adds elegance, practicality, and positive energy to your home. 

Snake plants, a favourite of interior decor enthusiasts, offer more than just aesthetic appeal. Known for their air-purifying properties, snake plants add significant value to households. In a busy life with each second precious to us, snake plants do not demand much of your attention and require minimal care. They are called mother-in-law’s tongues because of their sharp endings.

Types of Snake Plant

Here are some variations of snake plants often considered auspicious according to Vastu principles:

1. Sansevieria Trifasciata

Imagine placing a tall, strong plant called Sansevieria Trifasciata, the mother-in-law’s tongue, on your living room table. Its leaves are tall and stiff, with bright yellow edges that look like a sunny morning. Like a strong mother-in-law, this tough and resilient plant brings a sense of strength to your home.

2. Sansevieria Cylindrica

Picture a sleek, modern apartment where a plant called Sansevieria Cylindrica stands tall in the corner. Its upright and smooth leaves, like green candles, light the room. This plant adds a touch of style and warmth to your space, making it feel cosy and inviting after a long day at the office.

3. Sansevieria Trifasciata ‘Hahnii’

Wonder how calm you would feel when a snake plant called Sansevieria Trifasciata ‘Hahnii’ stands at the corner of your bedroom. It’s small and compact, with short leaves arranged in a circle. This little plant brings nature into your home, making it feel cosy and cheerful.

4. Sansevieria Bacularis

Close your eyes and imagine a peaceful room where sunlight streams through the windows. In one corner, a plant called Sansevieria Bacularis sits, with long, thin leaves that bend gracefully. It’s like having a piece of nature indoors, adding a sense of calm and beauty to your space.

Key Benefits of Snake Plant as per Vastu

The plants placed within the walls of your house play a crucial role in adding elegance and removing toxic and negative energies, as per Vastu. Let us take a look at some of the reasons why a snake plant can be an ideal fit for your home:

  • Positive Energy Boosters: We have often heard how using scissors without actually cutting anything can bring fights to your home, but have you ever heard that, according to Vastu, placing a snake plant in your home can filter and neutralise negative energies present inside your household? It works best when kept in a place where comparatively higher footfall takes place. 
  • Space Optimizers: Friends in a group always resolve conflicts and optimise the relationship between members. In the same way, a snake plant is known for optimising the energy flow in your household. Its compact size and low-maintenance nature make it perfect for small spaces, adding greenery and vitality without overwhelming the area.
  • Stress Relievers: Imagine a serene environment far from horn noises and pollution that brings peace and calms your nerves. Similarly, snake plants can create a soothing atmosphere, reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Wealth & Well-Being: Snake plant vastu are like lucky charms for your finances. In Vastu, they are believed to attract wealth and prosperity into your life. Having them in your home or workplace can symbolise financial stability and abundance. Maybe, after having a snake plant, you will get an increment in your salary (fingers crossed).
  • Air Purifiers: Think of snake plants as the determined cleaners of your home’s air. They work tirelessly to remove toxins and pollutants, ensuring you breathe in fresh, clean air. It’s like having a natural air purifier that requires minimal maintenance.
  • Health Guardians: Snake plants are like vigilant guardians of your well-being. Their ability to absorb harmful substances from the air can contribute to a healthier environment, reducing the risk of respiratory issues and allergies.
  • Adaptability to New Spaces: Snake Plants are known for adapting to various places in your home. Whether it be your office desk, drawing room, or bedroom, their adaptive skills make them a good choice for an indoor plant.

Snake Plant Care: Tips & Tricks

Caring for a snake plant as per vastu is relatively simple; here are some essential care tips:

  • Sunlight: Just like sunlight is important for Vitamin D in our body, a snake plant also craves a little bit of sunlight. Place it near a sunny window to soak the sun’s warm rays. But remember, it’s like you, who enjoys a balance in life—not too much sun, not too little, just enough to thrive.
  • Adequate Watering: The human body is advised to drink 8 glasses of water every day, but do we always meet this requirement? A snake plant likely demands the same for its survival. Vastu suggests watering your snake plant sparingly, just as you would water a friend with care and attention. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings to prevent overwatering, which can be like drowning for your plant friend.
  • Ideal Placement: Vastu advises placing your snake plant in the southeast corner of your home or office, like your teacher guiding you to the right spot for maximum positivity and growth. This positioning is believed to attract wealth and prosperity, nurturing your plants and environment.
  • Minimal Maintenance: A snake plant does not demand constant care and attention. It encourages low maintenance, doesn’t demand much attention, but adds value to your space. Just a little care now and then, and it will thrive, symbolising prosperity and abundance in your life.
  • Soil Sensibility: Like balancing your food intake to get different vitamins or nutrients, your snake plant’s soil also needs attention. Ensure it’s planted in well-draining soil, like a strong foundation for a lasting friendship. Vastu suggests adding a mix of sand or perlite to the soil to ensure proper drainage, allowing your plant to grow strong roots and thrive.
  • Fertilizer: Just as a balanced diet supports your well-being, occasional feeding with a balanced fertiliser nourishes your snake plant. Apply a diluted fertiliser solution during the growing season, promoting healthy growth and vitality. This nurturing practice aligns with Vastu principles, fostering abundance and prosperity in your space.

Maximizing the Potential of Snake Plants: Placement & Positioning

According to Vastu principles, an ideal placement for a snake plant is in the southeast corner of your home or office. This corner is associated with the wealth and prosperity aspect of Vastu, making it an auspicious location for this plant.

  • Southeast Corner: According to Vastu, this is considered the most auspicious location for a snake plant. Placing it in the southeast corner of your home or office attracts wealth, prosperity, and abundance.
  • Living Room: Positioning your snake plant in the living room is also considered favourable. It adds a touch of greenery and positive energy to the communal space, promoting harmony and well-being among family members or visitors.
  • Home Office or Study Area: Keeping a snake plant in your home office or study area can enhance focus, productivity, and financial success. Its presence is believed to stimulate mental clarity and creativity while attracting opportunities for career advancement.
  • Entrance or Foyer: Placing a snake plant near the entrance or foyer of your home invites positive energy and prosperity into your space as soon as you walk in. It creates a welcoming atmosphere for guests and ensures positive vibes throughout your home.
  • Workplace: In a professional setting, placing a snake plant on your desk or in the office helps create a conducive environment for success and prosperity. It purifies the air, reduces stress, and fosters positive workplace interactions.

Places to Avoid While Setting Up a Snake Plant

  • Bedroom: Although it is advisable to place your snake plant in a corner of your bedroom, it is not recommended to place it beside you while you sleep. This is because snake plants release oxygen at night, which might disrupt the sleep pattern of some individuals.
  • Bathroom: Snake plants require minimal water to thrive, so placing one in your bathroom is not recommended. The humidity and moisture in the environment can lead to the rotting of the roots.
  • Dark Places: Snake plants are adaptable, but that does not mean we should always keep them at improper temperatures. They still need some sunlight to thrive, and placing them in low-light areas may slow their growth.
  • Direct Sunlight: Snake Plants do not demand excess of anything. They require minimal care. Although they can tolerate low light, keeping them in direct sunlight, especially during peak summers, can burn the leaves and make them look damaged or discolored. 
  • Near Electronics: Avoid placing snake plants near electronic devices that produce heat or radiation, like televisions, computers, or microwaves. Excessive exposure to electromagnetic fields could disrupt their growth and overall health.

Ideal Directional Positioning of a Snake Plant

According to Vastu principles, the ideal spot to showcase your snake plant is in the southeast direction. Why? Because this corner reflects vibes of prosperity, wealth, and abundance. By positioning your snake plant here, you’re tapping into this positive energy flow, setting the stage for financial success and overall well-being.

It’s like placing your plant in a sunny garden, where the air is full of happy energy, and every leaf seems to say, “I’m ready to grow and thrive!”

So, whether it’s adorning your cosy home or decorating your office desk, the southeast direction is where your snake plant can shine, basking in the limelight of prosperity and contributing to a thriving, harmonious atmosphere.

Propagation of the Snake Plant

Propagation of a snake plant is quite easy! Here are a few steps that you can follow to ensure easy and healthy propagation of a snake plant:

  • Leaf Cuttings: One common method is propagating snake plants using leaf cuttings. Choose a healthy leaf and cut it into smaller sections, each about 2–3 inches long. Use a sharp, clean knife or scissors to avoid damaging the plant.
  • Allow Calluses to Form: After cutting, allow the leaf cuttings to dry and form calluses for a day or two. This helps prevent them from rotting when you plant them.
  • Planting: Once calluses have formed, plant the leaf cuttings in well-draining soil. To aid drainage, use a small pot filled with potting soil and perlite or sand.
  • Watering: Water the soil lightly after planting, but avoid overwatering. Keep the soil slightly moist but not soggy. Overwatering can lead to the cuttings rotting.
  • Provide Indirect Light: Place the newly planted cuttings in a location with indirect sunlight. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the delicate new growth.
  • Patience: Be patient! Snake plant propagation can take some time. The new shoots may take several weeks or months to emerge from the leaf cuttings.
  • Transplanting: Once the new shoots have grown to a few inches tall and have developed roots, you can transplant them into their pots if desired.


After exploring the world of Snake Plant Vastu and learning about its various aspects, we’ve gained valuable insights into how these plants can positively impact our lives and spaces. From learning about different types of snake plants to understanding their benefits and how to care for them, we’ve uncovered the secrets to fostering harmony and prosperity in our environments.

As we conclude, remember that snake plants aren’t just decorations; they’re companions on our journey toward balance and well-being. By incorporating them into our homes and workplaces, we invite a sense of calm, purity, and abundance into our lives.

Let’s carry forward the lessons learned and continue to nurture our green friends with love and care. Together, we can create spaces that thrive with vitality and radiate positivity and prosperity for all to enjoy.

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Satyam Sachdeva Satyam’s knack for writing developed when he read The Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. The book made him realise how simple words can impact a human’s mind. Always outside the classroom, he was on a mission to use his marketing and content writing skills to impact people's lives. His expertise is not only mere writing but also making the reader delve deep into it. He might say No to everything except a Chai Break. At night, you might never find him in his room because a night drive is something he always craves.
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